Hello! I'm drowning in posts that need to be done but I don't have enough time since school started. But. Aside from dreary issues like those we have nice, exciting and FUN affairs to talk about. Like this one! I was tagged to do this by two people: Theepika @ ItsTheepika and by Tasya @The Literary Huntress. 
4. Vampires or werewolves or both or neither?
A. Both but I tend to gravitate a tiny bit more towards vampires.
5. Do you like a book that everyone else hates?
A. After a lot of brain wrecking I came up with Twilight. I didn't LOVE it, I just liked it. It was pretty entertaining and ridiculous. A lot of people definitely hate that book.
6. Your favorite book ever?
A. I gonna cheat here because I just can't choose. I love Clockwork Princess and Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. Man, do I love these books. And man, was I a wreck when I was done with both. READ THEM IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. *stares like no other's business*
7. Overhyped book that other people love but you hate.
A. I just can't stand the Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I didn't like this one at all. It was so overhyped that it just completely lacked when I finally read it. Maybe if there wasn't all that hype surrounding it I would've enjoyed a bajillion times more.
8. Do you think beautiful book covers are important?
A. Definitely. I mean, they're not as important as the content is, but they definitely are a huge part of why people may read them. Humans are attracted to pretty things; if a book if pretty it automatically gets noticed.
9. Who is your favorite booktuber?
A. Regan from PeruseProject.
10. Do you prefer your favorite books turned into a movie or TV show? Why?
A. TV show; they're just more in depth and are likelier to have your favorite parts of the book in it. Plus, why wouldn't you want hours and hours of your favorite book?!
I'm not nominating anyone. Do this if you want; say I nominated you. For questions do the ones I answered.

- Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
- Put the award logo on your blog.
- Answer the ten questions sent to you.
- Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
- Nominate ten blogs.
So because I was nominated by two people, I've decided to divide my questions into half. So half my questions will be of Theepika's and the other half, Tasya's.
1. What type of characters are you more inclined to like?
A. Badass characters who stand up for themselves, and have a good sense of humor and can be intimidating on a whole new level when they want to.
2. If you wrote a novel what would it be called?
A. The Bookshop Bookshop. Yes. Two bookshops.
3. Who is your favorite author?
A. I have a few: Cassandra Clare, Meg Cabot, Sophie Kinsella, Richelle Mead, Sarah J. Maas, Roald Dahl and Rainbow Rowell.4. Vampires or werewolves or both or neither?
A. Both but I tend to gravitate a tiny bit more towards vampires.
5. Do you like a book that everyone else hates?
A. After a lot of brain wrecking I came up with Twilight. I didn't LOVE it, I just liked it. It was pretty entertaining and ridiculous. A lot of people definitely hate that book.
6. Your favorite book ever?
A. I gonna cheat here because I just can't choose. I love Clockwork Princess and Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. Man, do I love these books. And man, was I a wreck when I was done with both. READ THEM IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. *stares like no other's business*
7. Overhyped book that other people love but you hate.
A. I just can't stand the Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I didn't like this one at all. It was so overhyped that it just completely lacked when I finally read it. Maybe if there wasn't all that hype surrounding it I would've enjoyed a bajillion times more.
8. Do you think beautiful book covers are important?
A. Definitely. I mean, they're not as important as the content is, but they definitely are a huge part of why people may read them. Humans are attracted to pretty things; if a book if pretty it automatically gets noticed.
9. Who is your favorite booktuber?
A. Regan from PeruseProject.
10. Do you prefer your favorite books turned into a movie or TV show? Why?
A. TV show; they're just more in depth and are likelier to have your favorite parts of the book in it. Plus, why wouldn't you want hours and hours of your favorite book?!
I'm not nominating anyone. Do this if you want; say I nominated you. For questions do the ones I answered.
Amazing answers, Aisha! I was nominated for this award too, but haven't gotten into answering yet. :/ Anyway, I agree with you on your answers especially on the vampires vs werewolves thingy, and how book covers are really important too! :)
ReplyDeleteFiona | A Girl Between the Pages ❤